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Ways To Automate Your Pinterest Marketing Strategy For 2013
Posted by Ashish Chauhan to SMM

Most of us know that Pin­ter­est is an online Pin­board image shar­ing web­site that per­mits its users to share and man­age their theme-based image and video col­lec­tions. This site is com­pletely based on visu­als. One can­not share any­thing on this site unless a pic­ture is involved. When you share some­thing on this site, each book­mark is called a pin, and when you share some­body else’s pin on Pin­ter­est, it’s referred to as a Repin. This site con­jointly allows you to share images you may find online, or you can directly trans­fer pic­tures onto Pin­ter­est. You can also share your pins on dif­fer­ent social media sites such as Face­book, LinkedIn and Twit­ter. This site is quite sim­i­lar to other famous social book­mark­ing sites like Digg and Stum­ble­Upon. The sole dis­tinc­tion is that, you can only share images and videos on Pin­ter­est. Adding a Pin­ter­est but­ton to your blog can make it eas­ier for the folks to fol­low you on Pin­ter­est and pin your con­tent at any point of time.

Automate Pinterest Marketing Strategy

These days, Pin­ter­est is becom­ing a vital thing for many online mar­keters. Along with the other social media sites, adding Pin­ter­est to the mar­ket­ing mix can be very ben­e­fi­cial for you. You can do so by putting out­stand­ing con­tent related to the gen­eral pub­lic on your boards, which is capa­ble of catch­ing the atten­tion of a large num­ber of people.

Let’s have a look at some of the impor­tant ways, apply­ing which you can grab large num­ber of followers:

Apply­ing a Pin­ter­est Automa­tion Soft­ware: Mak­ing use of this soft­ware will help you in auto­mat­i­cally fol­low­ing a large num­ber of other users. You are just required to set this tool and it will auto­mat­i­cally find a num­ber of peo­ple to fol­low. You will not have to mon­i­tor for it on a reg­u­lar basis. Fol­low­ing huge num­ber of peo­ple will surely going to make them fol­low you back. Adopt­ing an auto fol­low option is com­pletely fair as it doesn’t desire any real interplay.

Plan for one’s time pins: It is bet­ter to sched­ule your pins as it can assist you in sav­ing plenty of your time. Rather than accu­mu­lat­ing pins every day, you can opt for Ping­ra­phy in order to line up your pins. Ping­ra­phy is the man­age­ment tool for brands and blog­gers, per­mit­ting them to sched­ule their pins to trans­fer over time. Using this tool is incred­i­bly easy. You sim­ply have to be com­pelled to apply Ping­ra­phy book­marked on a par­tic­u­lar site you look through. It will develop all the images on the page. You can choose the images that you sim­ply wish to sched­ule and click on next. After select­ing the images, choose the board where you would like to share your images along with the descrip­tion and URL for every image. Make sure to use the rel­e­vant key­words for each of the images.

Apply Pin­ter­est Image Pin­ner: By adding the Pin­ter­est Image Pin­ner plu­gin to your Word­Press site helps in avail­ing “Pin it” but­ton on each sin­gle image on your web site. Apply­ing this but­ton makes it easy for you to share images and videos. You just need to click the but­ton when­ever you like to pin something.

Repinly to gain ideas of images to pin: Repinly of images in the best way to receive ideas from what the other peo­ple are shar­ing. Spend­ing some time on Repinly can surely help you in know­ing the likes of the other peo­ple and you can be able to deter­mine the best images to add to your own boards. You can do so by search­ing for the pop­u­lar top­ics over time, also by brows­ing var­i­ous famous pins, boards, or pinners.

Spec­ta­cle your Pins on your own web site: With the help of Pin­ter­est RSS Word­Press Plu­gin, you can show your Pins on your site. This tool is used to demon­strate thumb­nails and titles of the recent Pin­ter­est Pins from a par­tic­u­lar user through the medium of their Pin­ter­est RSS feed. Using this tool will def­i­nitely be going to assist you in boost­ing addi­tional pins and bond­ing with your Pin­ter­est account.

By fol­low­ing the above men­tioned steps, you’ll surely become com­pe­tent enough to branch out your Pin­ter­est account.

About the author

Ashish Chauhan Myself Ashish Chauhan. I have been with the best seo com­pany. My area of exper­tise includes Inter­net Mar­ket­ing, Brand Devel­op­ment & Online Rep­u­ta­tion Man­age­ment. Want to know more about me please go through My Linkedin Pro­file and Fol­low me on Twitter