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Fast and optimized pages lead to higher visitor engagement, retention, and conversions and if dominating the search ranking is the goal than your website should respond fast to your visitors actions.
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Web Page Speed Overview :


Here is yet another service feather in our cap. Let us help you in getting higher page speed optimization for better user experience for your online business enterprise.

Page Speed Service is a service that deals with speeding up the loading time of your website pages. This service will fetch the content from the servers, rewrites the pages by way of applying best of web performance practices and brings them to the end users through the servers of Google across the globe.

There are numerous factors like the browser, pages, and geographic location of the access and others too which determine the kind of page speed your website has. Search engines also likes websites whose page speed is greater.

In case you are looking out for getting page speed optimization done for your website and deliver your content faster to the users end, we at Blurbpoint will do it in a highly efficient and effective manner. No changes or tampering will be done to the content and look of your website. You may want to check your website page speed score. Then you will have to follow a step-by-step process.

Go for the Google Labs Page Speed Online.

Then opt for Analyze performance

Check your website page speed score and get a summary of the same.

And if you get a score of 90+, you can have it assured that your website will get enhanced visibility. But if it is below 90, it is time for you to pull up your socks. And our professionals will definitely be able to help you in getting your web pages loaded faster.

We strictly adhere to the guidelines of search engines and get you an increased Page Speed Score. Take a look at our Website Page Speed Optimization packages and choose the one that best fits your budget.

Web Page Speed Key Features :

benefits You will receive efficient and effective delivery of content. It will result in rapid dispersal of the content on your website in all directions. Your website will load quicker and breezier for the user.
benefits We will slash down the HTTP requests that come to your server. By doing so we can reduce the downloading time of the web pages.
benefits We will use the cache-control header for both dynamic as well as static components on the website which will in turn help the browsers to read the web pages quickly.
benefits We will compress the style sheets and documents with the help of Gzip tool which will reduce the overall heaviness of the webpage and hence slash the bandwidth to a great extent.
benefits We will see to it that the web pages make only one request to the servers before they get loaded by minifying your CSS and JavaScript so that the page loading speed is improved.
benefits With the help of clean codes and ensuring that there are absolutely no unnecessary characters and remove all unused scripts or duplicates ones that will reduce the size of the web page. This will automatically improve the page speed time.
benefits You can cache the AJAX files on your website and make content and information available to the user through the web server.
benefits We will configure all the etags on your web pages and will customize your webpage so as to make it a highly user-friendly one.

Web Page Speed FAQ :

benefits Is it necessary that I opt for Page Speed Service for my business? Yes, we consider it as an integral part of search engine optimization and page speed service will only increase the rate at which the pages load faster on the screen. This speed will help to sustain the interest of the visitor on your website.
benefits How do you propose to decrease the webpage loading time of my website? With the help of minification, HTML caching, Google Page Speed, reducing page size and other ways we will increase the page speed of your web pages.
benefits What significant role does my Page Speed score play? Your page speed score is indicative of many a things and the search engine action towards your website also depends greatly on this.
benefits Will there be any changes made to the server?Though there are a few minor changes that need to be made on the server side, our experts will take full care of the same and make it absolutely easy for you.